Monday, October 12, 2009

Adventures with Blogging 101 - Part 2

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I recently took a webinar on blogging for business with Social Media Magic. It was taught by Dave Barnhart. It was great. I learned things I wish I hadn't and other things I'm glad I did. My previous post was about things didn't want to hear about... ('cause they mean more work for me!)

And now I thought I'd mention some of the cool things I was happy to discover. Here are some:

  1. Blog posts can be short and sweet. Its actually good to have long and short blog posts - so posting weekly or even twice weekly doesn't have to be a burden (phew!)
  2. What to blog about? This was especially helpful in terms of building a brand. There are four topics Dave suggested you blog about;
  • Aspects of your business you're passionate about (I've done virtually no blogging on that - oops!)
  • Industry trends (I think I've done a fair amount of blogging on that...)
  • Behind the scenes of your business (one might consider this blog post in that category.)
  • And personal stuff. He recommends between 5-15% of your posts fall into this category (I've done many blog posts related to my passion for social activism - not sure if that counts as personal...) And it seems from what Dave's saying, I could mention something about my love of animals and the many rescue efforts we've engaged in (for instance, last year we drove 6 injured pigeons three hours upstate to a sanctuary, after having nursed one pigeon back to health for a year. - I know.)
I'm also a fine artist and painter when the spirit moves me. Did I mention my pet portrait website? (No. I thought that would be confusing. Now I may choose to mention it within the context of sharing something "personal".) Sneaky huh?
It had been my strategy, up until now, simply to experiment with blogging; find out how much time it takes, see if I enjoy it and determine if I'm really willing to commit to it. Learning about advanced tactics and strategy at this juncture is perfect timing. I followed what he was talking about easily because it wasn't theoretical, I had already been blogging.

My next step then, as a business, is to articulate a revised strategy based on what I've learned and go forward from there.

All and all it was a great webinar. Those are some of the highlights. I hope it helps you as you think about blogging for your situation.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Humane Society Partners with Ad Council to Help Animals

I was thrilled to learn tonight a client of mine, The Advertising Council, will be creating a major PSA campaign to support the efforts of Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

I just came back from a town hall meeting with Wayne Pacelle, CEO of the HSUS. He is a personal hero of mine. I was so impressed with their response to hurricane Katrina and have been a dedicated member ever since. The HSUS has been fighting successfully for animals suffering all forms of cruelty; factory farms, puppy mills, the barbaric seal hunt in Canada to name only afew. Their growth in membership, the passage of significant pieces of legislation, the raising of public awareness has helped hundreds of thousands of animals over the years. Much of this is attributed to Wayne's leadership.

It was so satisfying to be there and get personally updated. I hope to get trained in animal rescue so I can be of use during natural disasters. Alas, the curse of enthusiasm strikes again!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Adventures with Blogging 101 - Part 1

I was talking with a women the other day about possibly re-designing her website.  She spoke about being overwhelmed by all the technology that comes with being on the internet as a business. I could only empathize. I do this for a living, and I find the amount of information there is to process and learn about an ongoing challenge. And in other ways, I'm completely excited by it all. The possibilities are really quite amazing. I have a bit of a love hate relationship with it all.

Today I took a webinar on blogging for business with Social Media Magic. It was taught by Dave Barnhart. It was great overall. I learned things I wish I hadn't and other things I'm glad I did. Here's what I didn't want to hear... (Did I mention I have a love hate relationship?)
  1. The minimum one should blog is once a week. Posting twice a week is even better. And anything beyond that is "prolific". I've been blogging sporadically about twice a month. And why, you may ask must you blog more? The frequency of posts makes your blog more likely to be found by Google. And that's a good thing.
  2. Blogger is not the best platform to be blogging on. (shhhhh - don't tell blogger!) and Typepad are preferred. Well I already knew that, now I know why. They both have trackback features and technorati tags and blogger doesn't. Those are fancy things that help you track and gauge your efforts. Sort of important wouldn't you agree?
The reason I'm unhappy to learn these things is it means more work for me, like writing more blog posts, and moving over to WordPress. As a small business owner, more work is never good news. Sigh...

There were also things I learned that I was happy to discover. However, to find out what they were, you'll have to come back and visit my blog next time. (This is part of my strategy to start posting once or twice a week. See how it works??)

To be continued....