I'm in the same boat. I'm part of a networking group of about 30 people. And this Thanksgiving I received, you guessed it, about 29 emails wishing me a happy Thanksgiving. I thought to myself, this is what we're all told "we must do"; keep in touch with prospects and clients. So we email, send newsletters, and start blogs. Now I'm VERY mindful of how much stuff is out there, too much information if you ask me. Do I really want to contribute to the clutter?? NO.
So then what do I do? Sure I can design but what do I have to say?? What do I have that's worth saying? Who would benefit from hearing it? These are the questions I have to answer before I'm willing to publicize a blog. I can write privately for a while and work out the kinks and no one will be the wiser! The notion of "if you build it they will come" doesn't often work in business, websites or blogs. That's my opinion. Its more likely "if you build it, create a solid marketing strategy and follow through implementing your strategy over time, being sure to keep up with the latest technology and search engine optimization techniques etc..., they will come, eventually."
I could see a win/win situation though. I don't actually enjoy writing all that much - being a visual person and all. And yet, writing and speaking about my business gives me an opportunity to get better at articulating what I do, why it matters, and how it can help people. It also positions me as an expert in my field. We've all heard this advice, right? And it seems pretty sound actually. And if I can discover, with words, the value of what I offer, I'd be delighted to share it. That's the other side of win/win - there will be people out there who will benefit from my expertise. That's an educated guess, based on how much information I depend on accessing on a daily basis. Lots. So its really a matter of discerning what I offer that is of value, and who exactly values it. And of course, articulating it to those particular people in a way that contributes to them.
So my strategy is this: a practice pre-blog
- I'll write a blog every week (if I can remember that I'm starting one).
- I'll publish it, but won't publicize it until I feel comfortable with what I'm writing.
- In that time, I'll expect to have answered those questions I asked above: What do I have that's worth saying? Who would benefit from hearing it?
- Meanwhile, I'll have some practice writing about what business on a weekly basis. I'm guessing I'll get better at it...
- Then I'll start my real blog, delete old posts that don't seem relevant or professionally meaningful and target my audience - namely people who will benefit from hearing my experience about design, advertising and how it can help inspire social change.
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