Thursday, February 24, 2011

PSA calling for Protection of Libyan People

I created this PSA to help make the international community aware of the dire situation unfolding in Libya. The goal is to encourage people to contact their elected officials. On the YouTube page there is a link to a petition to the UN, and on the video, there is a link to the site that gives more information and more action steps. Please help to spread the word.

I also had the extraordinary opportunity to create a web banner for a Benghazi run live web feed. They have interactive live chat and asked if there were any graphic designers on the chat - I said, I'm a designer and I'd be honored to help, what do you need. Below is that they wanted. Check out their live streaming news cast - its very home grown, which I find inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. Very powerful, Carol. I forgot that you had been a film editor. You did a great job! Thanks for doing this.
